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My final project was to create a concept for a production of William Shakespeare's 'Hamlet' and design set and costumes based on my concept. In this project, we were designing the production as if it was taking place at the Nottingham Playhouse. I wanted to make sure that I created a unique design concept, yet still clearly conveyed to the audience the basic plot of the show and design costumes that would instantly make them recognisable to an audience.


My concept for the set design was to set a majority of the play in an art gallery. I chose an art gallery because I wanted to use the artwork to reflect Elsinore and the characters as the plot progresses and we begin to see some of the characters unravel as secrets are discovered and guilt begins to swallow up Elsinore. I wanted the artwork in the gallery to start off very traditional, with lots of oil paintings, marble sculptures and busts etc. and gradually as the play goes on the artwork to begin to become more contemporary and abstract.


My concept for the costume design was that the characters look like they are from the 1960s. I chose the 1960s because many different fashions styles and trends began to emerge and I wanted these different styles to reflect the personalities of all the different characters.

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