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Take Care

My final degree project was to design and construct a set, and co-design a puppet, for a newly devised chamber opera called 'Take Care', which was performed at the Djanogly Theatre, at Lakeside Arts, in Nottingham, April 2nd-3rd 2022. Composed by Douglas Finch with a libretto by Cindy Oswin, the opera libretto is based on research by the University of Nottingham, led by Professor Justine Schneider, which saw students working as carers for 10 months, to help understand their work. The opera follows professional carer Katie, as she takes care of her elderly clients, in a show that sheds light on the work of carers and the effects of dementia. Directed by Mervyn Millar,  this was my first experience designing a set for a professional show.  The costumes were designed by and the puppet was co-designed with Felicity Walsh-Mangham and the lighting was designed by Chris Flux.

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